MDM Group Inc. Ltd has successfully completed the Testing and Commissioning of the 2nd Generation Gantry Robot for MatrixDeck Production amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. The 2nd Generation Robot comprises of a Robotic Gripper that has a set of multiple individual grippers that each grip and hold onto a Void Former from the reloader and a Robotic Arm that transfers the Gripper in order to place the Void Formers at the desired location on the panel. Not only does this robot reduce the dependence on manual labor, but also enhances productivity while maintaining accuracy and precision of Void Former placement in the MatrixDeck panels making it a successful departure from the 1st Generation MatrixDeck Production Robot utilized previously.

2nd Generation MatrixDeck Production Gantry Robot Operation

Robotic Arm with Robotic Gripper of the 2nd Generation MatrixDeck Production Robot

1st Generation MatrixDeck Production Robot to be retired